Making of: Part 1 Line Art

tilted sun line art feet scarf becky jewell artist.JPG

Hello Awesome Readers! It's time for another post of Tilted Sun Line Art! 


 All of this lineart is made in Clip Studio Paint on the iPad Pro! Before panels are painted and filled with color, I draw with Clip Studio Paint's 'Mapping Pen' . 


Eventually I'd love to get away from black line, but I love the graphic qualities of it for now. With digital art and digital painting, it's as if we live in a future where comics artists can use any kind of ink to make comics (black, yellow, blue) so we should take advantage of it! 

gray woman line art.JPG



I like to paint in background palettes to whatever I am drawing, just to make sure that the colors I have in mind ultimately look cool. 

I'm also still in the habit of creating all line art first in a separate document and then dropping the art into panels later on. I don't draw inside the panels to begin with, but since you can resize art, it's a lot like working with special effects and modeling rather than shooting a film with set boundaries. It's a lot of arranging and positioning, where I do like to follow what I think would be a good composition and framing in a film. 

tilted sun sci fi comic hackers.JPG

You can see I sorta draw the frames in the sketchbook page above - these are just so that I can figure out where the art begins and ends. 

Come back for more line art soon!